菲律賓與中國大陸因禁漁令對黃岩島主權爭議再起菲律賓外交部(DFA)嚴正聲明,無法接受中國大陸宣布於菲國專屬經濟海域內的南中國水域實施長達2個半月禁漁令的主張。中國大陸官方媒體新華社報導,自5月16日 至8月1日在中菲主權爭議許久的Scarborough Shoal周邊水域(北緯12度以北,含黃商務中心岩島,不含82萬平方公里的南沙群島)實施禁漁令。此中方稱黃岩島,菲方稱Panatag Shoal的Scarborough Shoal,距菲律賓的Zambales省124海浬 ,離中國大陸最鄰近省份海南島逾500海浬 。中國聲稱,為保護海洋資源其自1999年起每年皆有實施禁漁令,倘有違反禁漁令者將沒收其漁獲及船隻、帛琉撤銷作業執照、罰鍰更高達7,936美元。中方主張夏季禁漁令再度引發中菲對Scarborough Shoal主權之爭,導致中菲船隻現在仍於爭議水域對峙不下。菲國政府重申依聯合國海洋法公約(UNCLOS),Panatag Shoal位於菲國200海哩專屬經濟海域內。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 10/2012,1 酒肉朋友June 2012) PHILIPPINES TO IGNORE CHINA FISHING BANThe Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said the Philippine government will not recognize thefishing ban that China will impose over the South China Sea for two and a half months. DFAexplained the Philippines 燒烤will not follow the ban because it has sovereign rights over a portion of thewaters where China plans to impose the ban. The Philippines does not recognize China’s fishing banin as much as portions of the ban encompass Philippines ’ EEZ (exclusive economic 酒店經紀zone).China's state-owned Xinhua News Agency reported that the fishing ban, which runs from May 16 untilAugust 1, covers the disputed Scarborough Shoal, which China calls Huangyan Island and thePhilippines recognizes as Panatag Shoal. The disputed shoal is 買屋located 124 nautical miles from thePhilippines’ Zambales province, and lies more than 500 nautical miles from the nearest China port ofHainan. China noted it has been annually practicing the fishing ban since 1999 to protect marineresources. The ban is imposed 買房子in areas north of the 12 degrees north latitude - which includesHuangyan Island but excludes most of the 820,000 square-km Nansha Islands.Violators of the ban will have their catch and boats confiscated, fishing licences revoked, and be finedup to 50,000 yuan 室內設計(US$7,936).The announcement of the summer fishing ban came amid the rising tension between the Philippinesand China over Scarborough Shoal. Filipino and Chinese vessels remain in a standoff in the disputedwaters.The Philippine government has been insisting that 小型辦公室Panatag Shoal is well within that 200-nautical milesexclusive economic zone (EEZ), as recognized by the United Nations Convention on the Law of theSea (UNCLOS).

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